Five new walking and cycling trails for Norfolk were announced today (Friday 21st October 2022). The Platinum Jubilee Trails were the brainchild of the Norfolk Lieutenancy’s Platinum Jubilee organising committee, and have been over a year in the planning.

The Trails have been created to be within reach of all parts of Norfolk. They combine some existing and some improved rights of way, together with completely new routes, opening up parts of the county which previously had no public access. Most of them feature increased accessibility for those with limited mobility or who are wheelchair users. They encompass all aspects of Norfolk landscapes – coastal, woodland, arable, historic and urban. To view the trails click here.

Interpretation boards which will be situated at the start and end points of each Trail, will feature route highlights and QR codes, and offer access to detailed information on their ecology and history.
The Trails have been created as a partnership between the Norfolk Lieutenancy’s Platinum Jubilee organising committee, Norfolk County Council, the Westacre Estate, other landowners, and several prominent Norfolk businesses.

James Bagge DL, chair of the organising committee, said: “We are delighted to announce the creation of these new Trails. Originally conceived as a way of celebrating Her Late Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee and her love of nature and Norfolk, they will now stand as a permanent tribute to her life of remarkable loyalty and service.”

Thomas Courtauld JP DL, the committee member responsible for leading the Trails project, said: “Accessibility to the natural world, and encouraging exercise and outdoor experience were central themes of the Jubilee celebrations. These Trails will help foster environmental education and wellbeing for residents and visitors to Norfolk for many years to come. I would like to pay special thanks to Norfolk County Council and the Westacre Estate whose dedication and generosity have made all this possible.”

The Trails are:
THE ELIZABETH WAY, running from Heacham to King’s Lynn, partly along the route of a disused railway line which will be resurfaced to improve access, this Trail covers some of the richest and most diverse habitats in Norfolk. It passes through part of the Sandringham Estate, and is supported by Ben Colson and colleagues of the former Norfolk Green bus company. The Trail runs for just under 16 miles, and would take about 8 hours walking at a relaxed pace.

THE WENDLING WAY, running from Gressenhall Museum to Dereham, features a mix of fascinating history and landscape, including the most exciting rewilding project in the country – The Wendling Beck Project – with improved access. It is supported by Norse. The Trail runs for just over 3 miles, and would take up to an hour walking at a relaxed pace.

THE WEST ACRE WAY, running from Gayton to Castle Acre, opens up part of the Westacre Estate to public access for the first time, where a rewilding project in part of the Nar Valley has introduced White Park cattle, Exmoor ponies and Iron Age pigs. Passing through the villages of West Acre and Castle Acre, the route is incredibly rich in history. It is supported by Greenyard, and runs for just over 9 miles, taking about 4.5 hours walking at a relaxed pace.

THE CHET RIVER CIRCULAR takes walkers on a circuit around Loddon and Chedgrave and is ideal for families. There are many spots along the River Chet, where access has been improved, to stop for picnics, and the route is notable for its abundance of diverse bird and insect life. It is supported by Adnams and South Norfolk and Broadland District Council, runs for just over 2 miles, and would take just over an hour walking at a relaxed pace.

THE EASTERN MARITIME WAY is ideal for cyclists and is the longest of the new Trails. It runs from Great Yarmouth train station to Lowestoft train station, offers stunning coastal views and many points of historic interest, from military to maritime. It offers links to many other Norfolk Trails. Again supported by Adnams, it runs for 12 miles and would take about 1.5 hours to cycle at a relaxed pace.

Planning and delivering a project like this is a detailed process involving negotiations with landowners, contractors and utility suppliers, carrying out environmental surveys and audits, commissioning mapmakers, designers and photographers, canvassing support from businesses and co-ordinating communications across different local authorities. Work has begun on several of the Trails already, and they will be fully open in Spring 2023. Individual opening events for Trails will be supported by Birketts, Flagship Group and Busseys.

Councillor Lana Hempsall, member champion for sustainable transport, Norfolk County Council, said: “I’m thrilled to see the development of these five routes which will encourage more walking, wheeling and cycling across Norfolk. Trails like this come with so many benefits including less congestion and pollution where people can use these routes for travel – but also of course getting out on all of our wonderful Trails is great exercise and brilliant for both physical and mental wellbeing. The Norfolk County Council Trails team has worked hard over the last 12 months to support the creation of the Jubilee Trails which are a wonderful legacy to a Queen who meant so much to our County.”

Norse CEO Justin Galliford said: “Norse is embarking on an ESG (environmental, social and governance) journey and recognises biodiversity as something we must protect. As such, we are pleased to be supporting a Trail as part of our wider social commitment to helping residents of Norfolk enjoy the countryside and reconnect them to nature.”

Dr Andy Wood OBE, DL, Chief Executive of Adnams, said: “Adnams is proud to support these Trails; we live in a wonderful part of the world and nature is so important. We hope lots of people will be inspired and make great memories.”

The Norfolk Lieutenancy’s Jubilee organising committee is in the process of recruiting teams of volunteers from Scouts, Guides, local businesses and other community groups to help keep the Trails litter-free in the future. This work will be supported by Saffron Housing Trust.

James Francis, CEO of Saffron Housing Trust, said: “We’re delighted to be supporting the Norfolk Jubilee Trails to commemorate the Queen’s historic 70 year reign. The Trails will be a great way of bringing communities together whilst enjoying the great outdoors.”