Up to 60 Year 9 schoolgirls from Leeds are to learn all about “breaking the bias” in the property and construction industry from female experts working within the Norse Group.

The event to mark International Women’s Day is being staged at Roundhay School on Friday by NPS Leeds and will feature leading lights from Norse Consulting, as well as its clients and partners.

Daniella Barrow, Senior Director Norse Consulting, will be hosting the day and overseeing a series of lively activities designed to show just how varied and interesting careers within the industry can be.

“Whether deliberate or unconscious, bias makes it difficult for women and girls to be the best that they can be,” she says.

“They need to be aware of the barriers caused by bias that can hold them back.

“The objective of the day is to showcase the many typically male roles that are currently held by successful women right across the industry.

“Our aim is to highlight to the girls that building, construction and property is not just for the boys – women can also enjoy fantastic careers in an industry that has a direct effect on communities and society.”

She adds: “Having a balanced, diverse workforce in the industry ensures that we have a balanced and diverse built environment as a result.”

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