As a Business Support Officer, Rachel Booth’s role with Norse is incredibly varied, ranging from human resources and payroll functions to overseeing IT systems.

Rachel is now also Health and Safety Co-ordinator for her office and Chair of the Health and Safety Committee, where she works closely with the Group’s senior management team.

“I started with Norse on a university placement in 2018, while I was doing my Business with Management degree at university,” she said.

“I then continued to work for the Group on a part-time basis until I graduated and won a full-time position.”

Initially focusing largely on administration work, Rachel has taken on more and more responsibility, including the implementation of two major IT projects in Barnsley.

“I am very proud to be based at this office, which is 80% female and has a female Operations Director,” she says.

“For me, International Women’s Day is about celebrating women and all that we have achieved – it is about looking at how far we have come, while also reflecting on how much further we have to go.”

She continues: “I feel extremely fortunate to be working in a time when women do have a lot of opportunities, but we are still nowhere near where we should be.

“International Women’s Day is also a time to reflect on how much worse the situation is for women in some other countries, where they face issues such as sex trafficking, kidnapping and being forced into marriage at a young age.”

Rachel says she has always been surrounded by strong women, whether at home, university or work.

“I would like to see more women at the senior management level in Norse and hope that I can play my part in this through my role as Chair of the Health and Safety Committee,” she says.

“Through the committee, I work closely with members of the senior management team, looking at wellbeing at work, as well as equality and diversity.

“Hopefully, I can do my part in Breaking the Bias, so we start to see more young women putting themselves forward for and then winning these kinds of roles in the future.”

Q: Is there a woman you particularly admire?

A: My mum is one of my biggest female influences – she managed to raise five kids while also having a very successful career at the same time. I also really admire Michelle Obama. I read her book a couple of years ago and was fascinated to learn more about where she’s come from and everything she does today to give back to the community. People don’t always realise she is so much more than simply Barack Obama’s wife.

Q: What advice would you give to a young woman just starting out on her career?

A: Believe you can do anything a man can and don’t take no for an answer. Don’t ever let anyone tell you can’t do something. Just go for it if you want it. The worst that can happen is that someone will say no – and then you can just try again.

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